I'm Mosaddik Billah

Frontend Developer / Wix Velo Developer

I'm a Programmer

  • Name: Mosaddik Billah
  • Email: mosaddikdev@gmail.com
  • Age: 17 Years
  • Residence: Bangladesh
  • Address: Mogalbasa, Kurigram

Web Designing: Mosaddik Billah is recognized as a proficient web designer. His designs are modern and tailored to meet user needs.
Full-Stack Web Development: Recently, Mosaddik has started training in full-stack web development. He is working on both front-end and back-end technologies.
Wix Development: Mosaddik has significant expertise in building and customizing websites using Wix. He regularly works on Wix projects and has proven his skills in various assignments.

Career Goals: Mosaddik aims to become a successful web developer and to further expand his knowledge and skills in this field. He is eager to learn new technologies and advanced methodologies to create high-quality websites and web applications.

My Skills





Node JS


My Education

  • Secondary School Certificate

    SSC 2023

    Successfully completed the SSC examination with focus in the Arts stream.

  • Junior School Certificate

    JSC 2021

    Successfully completed the Junior School Certificate.

  • Hefz (Quran Memorization)


    Successfully completed memorization of the Holy Quran.

My Experience

  • HTML

  • CSS

  • SASS

  • Wix

  • JavaScript

  • Typescript

  • Node JS

  • React

  • MUI

  • Styled Components

Contact Me

Mogalbasa Kurigram


Mosaddik Billah